Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Living without TV

Today, I'm not going to watch tv at all. In fact, I have a new plan involving television in my life.

Last month, I watched more television than I had in the past year. Not having a job, I'd wake up, turn on the tv, grab something to eat for breakfast, then pull out my laptop. I'd apply for multiple jobs online while watching Food Network shows by the half dozens. Then I'd go for a walk (sometimes, not often enough), shower and get ready, then watch tv while eating lunch. It would take me awhile to pull myself off the couch, but eventually I'd go out and apply at establishments in person. I'd get home about an hour before Steve got off work, so I'd watch more tv. Ofttimes, Steve and I would watch a show or two at night, too. In short, I watched a lot of tv!

Now that I have a job, I know my tv viewing will decrease substantially, but I also have two days off during the week. I can totally see myself sinking into the television abyss and not doing anything productive on those days until Steve gets off work. I don't want this to happen, so I'm experimenting with not watching tv on my 2 week days off (Tuesdays and Thursdays).

What are my plans? Here's a list of some things to do instead of watching tv:

1. Exercise. This past month, I've kind of gotten out of my exercise habit. Since I credit exercise with most of my weight loss, this isn't a good situation. So, I am rededicating myself to exercising every day and am going to start keeping track of my exercise again since that really helps me.

2. Write. I am not terribly ambitious about my writing. I will blog a little more and work on a novel I'd like to write. It would be awesome if something came of it, but really, at this point, I'd just like to say I finished a novel. I have the title and the basic story outline, so we'll see how it goes.

3. Clean. The apartment isn't exactly a mess, but I'd like to clean something every day I have off. That way, the apartment stays clean and I get back in the habit of cleaning. It's funny how many habits I've lost over the past year - too busy having a social life. *smile*

4. Explore. There is a lot of this area that I don't know and this is a great time of year to explore it. The leaves are beginning to change colors and everything is beautiful. I'd like to drive around, go on some hikes I've heard about, try different restaurants, and see all there is to see.

5. Read. Let's be honest...this is what I'm really looking forward to doing the most. I love reading. I have a long list of books people have recommended to me and am excited to finally have time to start reading them. However, reading can be even more addicting than television, so if I start spending all my time reading, I'll have to start limiting my reading time. So, I'll be judicious...as much as I can be. *grin*

6. Wii. Though using the tv, this isn't the same as watching tv, since I'll be up and moving around. Steve and I love to play tennis and bowling on the Wii and I always beat him. Always. However, he started practicing and is getting a lot better. He's almost better at tennis than me (he kicks my butt in real life) and he finally is figuring out his throw in bowling, so I have got to step up my game. This will probably be the least-chosen activity, but it's definitely something to turn to when I need a little something different.

I'll still watch TV in the evenings with Steve, if that's what we decide to do, but we have so much fun doing other things, that I'm not worried about us spending all our time together in front of the tube.

Mostly, I want to live life, not watch fake people on tv live theirs. So that's what I'm going to do!


Anonymous said...

Or you could watch "reality" TV shows (instead of FAKE people, it's REAL people... or not)

I'm proud of you! Since General Conference, I have also been inspired... to spend less time online. I am going to limit myself to checking e-mail, blogs, FB to once/day. That might seem a lot for most un-addicted people, but I need to start somewhere! So far, it's been a day and a half and so far so good!

tearese said...

yes, my addiction is more to the computer. If I can control myself and not get on until AFTER I get some stuff done, I have a better day, but if I sit down at the computer shortly after breakfast I get very little done. My goals include some of the same: exploring, reading (though as you said, that can be a problem too), and for me, doing better teaching and uplifting my kids. I'm letting them get into the bad TV habit WAAy to young! But I just can't bring myself to add exercise to goal lists. Though I'd probably have a lot more energy if I did. Hmm.

Cardine said...

May I just say that I always like your blog designs? I do.

That's cool that you're trying to limit your tv. I always feel guilty for some reason if I watch tv or a movie without doing something else, so I always try to double-task.

I need to limit my internet.

KieraAnne said...

That's a very good goal. I should really turn off the tv (or internet shows as it more often turns into here). I always have lofty goals of cleaning something everyday too so the house stays somewhat presentable, but I fell out of the habit when we moved (which was over a year and a half ago now). So it will be good to see how you do on your goals.

julie said...

Sarah, I actually thought about reality shows when I made that comment and decided those people were probably even more fake than the characters on fake shows. :) Good luck with your goal!

Tearese, yeah, I can see how the computer could become my time sucker if I'm not careful. I hope we're both able to accomplish our goals - especially the exploration of our new communities!

Cardine, thank you! I love blogger's new template options. I know what you mean by feeling like you should be doing something while watching tv or a movie. I never felt that way until the past year. I think if you're busy most of the time, it's hard to just sit and do nothing. I need to get back to that!

Kiera, cleaning is my least favorite thing to do. As long as the kitchen is clean, I'm perfectly able to let the rest of the house go a little, so I'm not as up on keeping it clean. :)

Everyone, I forgot to put Cooking as one of my things to do on my days off. It will be great to have time to cook somethings that I usually don't cook because I'm too tired after a long day of work. Yay!

Booklogged said...

On your list of books be sure to add Louise Penny's Still Life. Set just south of Montreal.