Saturday, January 08, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

With so much happening lately, I'm kind of behind on my New Year's Resolutions. I haven't really even thought much about them until today. I had set a little mini goal to have this post accomplished by the end of the week...which I consider to be tonight, so I have spent a bit of time contemplating the things I would like to change/improve in 2011. I really appreciated Lori's focus on progress as opposed to perfection for her New Year's resolutions and am going to follow her lead.

2011 New Year's Resolutions

1. Exercise 4x a week. This is less than what I used to do, before I moved and my life turned upside down. However, it's also more than what I'm currently doing. It's going to take dedication but is definitely achievable. And, it takes into consideration my new life and responsibilities.

2. Pay off car and credit card. I'm really close to having my car paid off and should be able to finish it off quickly with my new job's nice salary. My credit card is another story, unfortunately. It's not horrible right now, and I only have a balance on it because of last year's financial difficulties. However, in the next few months, I'm going to have to put a big thing on it, hiking up the balance significantly. That said, I'm positive that with a bit of discipline and tracking of my spending, I'll be able to get both bills paid off by the end of the year...barring unseen circumstances.

3. Go somewhere new in the USA. This should be fairly easy to accomplish since both Steve and I love traveling and going to new places. Also, with a honeymoon in the future, it may be the perfect time to explore a new part of the country. Or maybe we'll go somewhere new for July 4th or Christmas. Lots of opportunities!

4. Pick up a new hobby. My mom said she might give me her old sewing machine, so I may pick up sewing. Or painting...a long time ago I bought some painting supplies but have never broken them out. Maybe gardening. We have 2 nice patios that could use a little sprucing up and planters full of plants and flowers would look great. I'm okay with multiple hobbies, but I definitely want to do new things.

5. Spiritual basics. I need to go back to the basics and strengthen my foundation. There are several ways I could work on this, but this year I'm going to focus on church attendance.

That's it. I don't believe in having too many goals...don't want to spread myself too thin. Okay, I wouldn't mind being thinner (teehee) but seriously, I'm hoping that working on these few items will help me accomplish the progress I know I'd like to make this year.

Wish me luck!

And, good luck to you on accomplishing your goals...if you made some. *smile*


Cassie said...

I love your goals and they are very similar to the ones I have which I haven't quite articulated yet. I think I'll follow your example and get one up this weekend. Also, your profile picture is adorable.

Mellissa said...

I keep feeling like such a slacker because I read every one else's goals and I haven't even given mine a thought. I'm just trying to get through each week, and they just keep staying busy.

Your goals are nice and simple and attainable, as all goals should be. I'm glad I'm not the only one who wanted to steal Lori's idea. It's truly a great one! Love you! :)

Cardine said...

I'm really glad you got what sounds like a great job! Good luck on the rest of your goals. Mine are going slowly so far, but that's okay.

Anonymous said...

Yea for goals! And I know you'll do well at them.

I liked your joke about spreading yourself thin. My problem is that I tend to overeat when I get overwhelmed! But, maybe if I just think of the word "thin" then that will help me!

Booklogged said...

I like the idea of progress, not perfection. I'm trying to set 4 goals for Relief Society. For the physical goal I'm thinking about going up and down the stairs twice every day. I just don't know if that's achievable for me!