Saturday, January 02, 2016

2016 Resolutions - January

A few days ago, I was watching The Today Show while working out at the gym. Someone was on the show talking about weigh loss resolutions and somethings to do and not to do with them. One thing he said was to not try to change too many things at one, and another was to shoot for short periods of time, like a month, instead of the whole year. I liked both ideas and decided to incorporate them. Hopefully, I'll remember to set goals every month throughout the year.

One reason I like the idea of monthly goals is the flexibility in changing something that doesn't work without seeming to have failed. If a resolution isn't helping me or is too challenging, I can tell myself to just stick with it for a little while longer, to the end of the month, and then I can try something else.

I also have decided upon a Theme for 2016. The past two years my theme has been Kindness; first to those around me, even strangers, and then focusing on being kind to myself. They've been my only resolutions and I feel I've done well with them, although there is always room for improvement. This year my theme is Faith not Fear. I had a Sunday School lesson about this and I realized how much fear I have; fear that Steve or Matt will die, that I will die and leave my child without a mom, that the world is so mixed up and crazy, that I'm not doing enough to teach my child, etc. So, Faith Not Fear is a good thing for me to focus on throughout the year.

My January Resolutions:

1. Eat one apple a day and have one serving of vegetables with both lunch and dinner.

2. Eat only one sugary treat a day. This doesn't include fruits and honey.

3. One day a week, no sugar. Again, fruit and honey don't apply.

4. Remember Christ more. My Relief Society lesson next week touches on this and I'm still working out how I'm going to accomplish it.

5. If I can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

Do you do resolutions/goals? I know it's kind of going out of fashion, but I still like it. If you do them, Good Luck!!!

Julie :)

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I don't really do formal resolutions anymore. Just general thoughts of what I would like to work on or what I should work on.