Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I hope you see lots of scary faces...

...and get loads of candy!


Alyson said...

I LOVE CALVIN AND HOBBES!!! I was so excited when I saw you had posted my favorite comic ever! Thanks for making me smile. I hope you Halloween was awesome!

Framed said...

I work in a bank. Of course, I saw lots of scary faces, but no one came to my house. So I have lots of candy left. My visiting teacher brought me pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, so I'm good.

julie said...

Aly, I love C&H, too! I finally gave up the fight and bought one of the books. It brightens my mood whenever I read it. Glad it made you smile!

Framed, I was really glad I didn't buy candy this year. Instead, I went to my mom's house. She bought candy, Audree brought candy, and Jason added to the stash. We had so much candy there it was ridiculous! Plus, not very many kids came by. Mmmm. Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies sound yummy! Enjoy them!